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The wire mesh is from a reel of bronzed welding wire (scrap metal of course). Inspired by a spider web that hung outside my son's window. We spoke of web's being both barriers and portals as a bedtime story.
Anyway, why not fashion one's own web as a invisible barrier between the landscape and these raised garden beds?
The cedar posts were already in the ground from an earlier fencing system.
1/4" steel tubing was bent and welded along with accompanying harnesses.
The tubes were drilled at intervals to allow for the wire to be laced through.
Again, another example of playing with materials that are common but not generally handled in such a fashion.
Landscape Screening Elements
A subset of Fencing are independent fence panels that serve as a screen for a particularly undesirable view or simply as a panel that separates space. Screens also provide another means of creating landscape windows to desirable, focal views, either through a literal window in the screen itself, or by 'flanking' the view with two or more screens, read more at Landscape Windows.

A more traditional approach to 'transparent fencing'; Square steel tubing with tension pulls of stainless steel wire.

Traditionally, a fence line is a composition of pickets, most often composed of wood. I like to utilize metals for fencing when appropriate, due in part to its durability and that it requires little maintenance (no need to call Tom or Huck), and is just looks cool.
Oftentimes I will utilize perforated metal mesh sheets and allow them to rust to a desirable patina, see Doors and Gateways.
In this case stainless steel was the preferred material of choice (to complement existing 1950's era window & door frame details). And again, it qualifies as a no-nonsense, no-maintenance material. Obviously, (if you've been paying attention), you will notice that the pickets have a bit of a 'whoopee' added into the composition. As can be seen, each picket was rolled into a gentle serpentine shape.
As one drives by this fence-line the composition accelerates as well, throwing a rhythm right back at the viewer. It also does an awesome light & shadow dance at night.

Stainless steel rigid steel tubing sandwiched between rectangular steel tube frames.
Note, rigid and bent copper tubing is equally bitchin!

Behind this Ocotillo screening element is a gas meter, and to its right is the home's front entrance, thus the need for a screen.
Live Ocotillo stalks, sandwiched between strap & shallow channel iron frame; double-sided, perforated metal panels housing light wire; staked & planted in-ground, with a rock rose vine growing up the panel.
Consider the many other materials one could utilize to compose such a screen, including kiln dried bamboo, lodgepole pine, rigid metal tubings...etc.
Have fun.

A different installation but similar screen composition. As with many featured exterior elements, accent lighting both enhances the landscape composition as well as extends it view-time, enjoyment into the twilight hours, read more at Lighting.

Traditional use of an Ocotillo panel,
in the Ole Pueblo.
Sometimes, there is no beating original use. For hundreds of years Ocotillo stalks have been harvested and wired together to form fence panels.
Dig a trench, stand the panel up in it, back-fill with rubble & soil; sometimes a stalk would go 'live', other times the desiccated branch would simply harden and stand tall for decades. It was the ultimate predator fence.
As designers, we are compelled to attempt to improve on the wheel - sometimes that works out...And yet, what's not to love in the honesty of this Ocotillo panel and red rock, thorny rose...?
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