Whether three steps or thirty, a stairwell is usually built. Is there an affordable alternative to wood or masonry to get up that grade? What if a one-person crew could effectively install a hillside staircase? Whether three steps or thirty, this approach will make your life a little easier.
Having designed and built enough staircases to practically reach the moon, I have found that all too often there is an imbalance between cost, durability, and aesthetic. Form and Function is what it boils down to: Form, as an aesthetically pleasing solution that is durable, and Function as how to get from A to B in a cost-effective manner.
So, I came up with a versatile stair system that meets all of the above criteria.
It does not require costly skilled carpentry or masonry labor, nor does it require on-site mechanical equipment to install.
The structural metal components can be quickly and cost effectively fabricated at your local metal shop. Installation requires little more than a shovel, mallet and level. Minimal grading is needed thus, adjacent soils and plants are not disturbed.
Beyond the durability, ease of fabrication, installation and cost effectiveness is that this versatile system’s aesthetic has many faces. It can all but disappear into a native setting, or it can be highly contrasted in color and texture for a more contemporary look. Its aesthetic spans from rustic to modern styles and applications.
Blending metals with compacted earthen materials produces aesthetically pleasing outcomes that will complement the garden or native setting. Eliminating the waste of mass monolithic materials along with the ease of fabrication and installation translates into cost savings without sacrificing quality and durability.
It does not require costly skilled carpentry or masonry labor, nor does it require on-site mechanical equipment to install. The structural metal components can be quickly, and cost effectively fabricated at your local metal shop. Installation requires little more than a shovel, mallet, and level. Minimal grading is needed thus, adjacent soils and plants are not disturbed.
Beyond the durability, ease of fabrication, installation and cost effectiveness is that this versatile system’s aesthetic has many faces. It can all but disappear into a native setting, or it can be highly contrasted in color and texture for a more contemporary look. Its aesthetic spans from rustic to modern styles and applications.
Blending metals with compacted earthen materials produces aesthetically pleasing outcomes that will complement the garden or native setting. Eliminating the waste of mass monolithic materials along with the ease of fabrication and installation translates into cost savings without sacrificing quality and durability.
It does not require costly skilled carpentry or masonry labor, nor does it require on-site mechanical equipment to install. The structural metal components can be quickly, and cost effectively fabricated at your local metal shop. Installation requires little more than a shovel, mallet, and level. Minimal grading is needed thus, adjacent soils and plants are not disturbed.
Beyond the durability, ease of fabrication, installation and cost effectiveness is that this versatile system’s aesthetic has many faces. It can all but disappear into a native setting, or it can be highly contrasted in color and texture for a more contemporary look. Its aesthetic spans from rustic to modern styles and applications.
Blending metals with compacted earthen materials produces aesthetically pleasing outcomes that will complement the garden or native setting. Eliminating the waste of mass monolithic materials along with the ease of fabrication and installation translates into cost savings without sacrificing quality and durability.